Inverness Tifo

Tiso Inverness Outdoor Experience    

(4) · Outdoor gear in Inverness, United Kingdom
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Tiso Inverness Outdoor Experience has outdoor gear and bikes - under one roof. You’ll find everything you’ll need for any outdoor adventure with hiking, camping, climbing, watersports, and …
Tiso Inverness Outdoor Experience has outdoor gear and bikes - under one roof. You’ll find everything you’ll need for any outdoor adventure with hiking, camping, climbing, watersports, and running equipment from brands like Patagonia, Berghaus, Rab, Fjallraven and more. Our boot fitting experts will ensure your feet stay comfortable on those long hikes. Our Bike shop - Alpine Bikes features mountain bikes, road bikes, hybrid, gravel, E-Bikes, commuter and kid’s bikes as well as cycling clothing, shoes, lights, and helmets. 0% finance and Cycle-to-Work options and in-house bikes servicing and repairs are also available. Our dog friendly store has free parking and the fantastic Navigator Café where you can grab a coffee, sandwich or cake.


4.0/5 · 4 reviews
Data from: Yelp