With a name like "Death Road," this South American attraction isn't for the faint of heart, and even the bravest adventurers ...
A group of Bolivian protesters is making its way from ... The protesters are making a 144-mile trek through the Andes, and they're doing it in their wheelchairs. Story by Tony Manfred and editing ...
I got altitude psychosis a few hundred meters from high camp as I scaled the frigid face of Huayna Potosí, one of the highest mountains in the Bolivian Andes. My optimism, my determination ...
Potosí, a city in the Bolivian Andes, was once one of the wealthiest cities in the world. Today, it grapples with the consequences of centuries of mining while offering tourists a unique glimpse into ...
The study, published by Nature Geoscience, utilized cutting-edge data techniques to analyze rock samples from four glaciers in the Bolivian Andes. Zoet said that by measuring the accumulation of UV ...
A group of Bolivian women is currently attempting to to climb eight mountains over 6000m in the Andes. Aged up to 50 and wearing their traditional dress, for years they have worked as cooks or porters ...
Scores of Bolivian lorry drivers and their vehicles were reported Monday to be stranded on the Chilean border at Tambo Quemado after at least 200 of them tested positive for COVID-19.
Shamans across central and South America have used psychotropic plants to commune with the spirit world for hundreds of years. One of the most common drug concoctions is ayahuasca, a psychedelic ...
Cuando Rosa Fernández fue a una expedición a los Andes, en 2015, conoció a las cholitas. Son mujeres indígenas de Bolivia, que viven a 4.000 metros de altitud y que están acostumbradas a las ...
The Dominican Republic has introduced its Caribbean charm to the Andes with the inauguration of the first artificial beach in ...
Landlocked Bolivia, officially the Plurinational State of Bolivia, is a country of extremes located in central South America. Home to snowcapped Andes mountains, as well as the tropical Amazon ...
Accede a toda la información sobre Banco Los Andes ProCredit Bolivia. Es una empresa que opera principalmente en el sector Banca. Conecta con sus contactos clave, proyectos, accionistas ...