An effort is afoot to tell the story of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers in a six-acre park between Boundary Street and ...
The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
The Civil-War was the deadliest conflict in American history, and of the regiments assembled to preserve the Union, none suffered ... 5th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
For decades, more than two dozen urns made of cardboard and copper have been sitting on storage shelves at a funeral home and ...
The Defense Department efforts to purge DEI content from its website led to the deletion of a page about Black Civil War hero ...
THE Last Civil War Volunteers: The 125th U.S. Colored Infantry in New Mexico ... 491, 496; U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion, Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (OR), 130 ...
The Emancipation Proclamation, issued on January 1, 1863, specifically called upon freed slaves to enlist in the Union cause ... Two years into the Civil War, black soldiers prepared for battle.
Denzel Washington reenacted the heroics of Sgt. William Carney in the movie "Glory." The Pentagon removed a story about him ...