The lunar nodes aren’t planets. They are mathematical points in the sky that move in connection with the eclipse cycles. To ...
Relationship conflicts could finally cool down this Monday, January 6, as feisty Mars retrograde leaves Leo and your relationship zone, and retreats back into Cancer and your sixth house of daily ...
Astrology apps are basically your pocket oracle. With insights into the cosmos, these apps contain personalised forecasts and ...
Goals, goals, goals! It’s time to make those annual career resolutions as 2025’s first full moon arrives in Cancer, setting its agenda in your ambitious tenth house. But as you map out your ...
Fill the candy dishes with conversation hearts. Yes, Pisces, we know it’s only January, but with 2025’s first full moon in Cancer activating your zone of true love this Monday the 13th, you ...
Unless they’re part of the major arcana, you’re not one to lay your cards on the table for any rando. But once trust is earned, you are an open book (or deck!), Scorpio. This Monday, January ...
Money, power, respect—with a side of sexual tension. That’s what this Monday, January 13 has on tap for you, as the first full moon of 2025 arrives in Cancer and intensifies your potent eighth ...
Pairing is caring this week, Capricorn, provided your partnerships are equal and balanced. On Monday, January 13, the year’s first full moon lands in Cancer, your opposite sign and the ruler of ...
La Balance, signe d’Air, est le septième signe du zodiaque. Elle est gouvernée par Vénus, planète de l’amour, et on s’en rend très vite compte car, si on sait écouter, elle ne parle ...
Des échanges, la Vierge en fait déjà avec elle-même, sans cesse à se demander si elle doit être un pur esprit ou juste avoir de l’esprit. Elle n’a pas son pareil pour peser le pour et le ...
L’harmonie Lune-Mercure ouvre un canal de communication sincère, idéal pour apaiser les tensions. Célibataire : Vous êtes dans une période propice pour exprimer vos attentes avec douceur. U ...
La tension Lune-Vénus met en lumière votre tendance à donner sans compter en amour, parfois au détriment de vous-même. Célibataire : Soyez attentive à vos élans de générosité. Prenez le ...