Instructables user [rog8811] was looking to build a fog horn that resembled hand-pumped units found on small ships in the early to mid 1900s. His budget was a bit limited, so he set off to build ...
“It’s crazy. Absolutely crazy.” “I think in moderation, it brings you back to the days when the Point Judith lighthouse used to have a fog horn. But this is a little bit too much,” Benz sai ...
Residents living near Land's End have been advised to buy earplugs due to a fog horn sounding every 13 seconds for the past ...
Slow and steady movement is the best place to start when it comes to cortisol management. If you currently do a lot of high-intensity work (which, yes, is a stress on the body), pull back and opt for ...
Residents near Land’s End have been advised to buy earplugs after a lighthouse’s faulty fog horn started going off every 13 seconds. Longships Lighthouse has been keeping locals awake at night ...
CornwallLive reports residents near Land's End have been advised to invest in earplugs after the Longships Lighthouse's fog horn started sounded every few seconds about a week ago. Now after six ...
A lighthouse fog horn has been keeping people awake at night for a week because of a faulty fog sensor. Residents near Land's End have been advised to invest in earplugs after the Longships Lighthouse ...