When I’m choosing the perfect half gallon of 2% at the grocery store, I’ve seen milk cartons that look a little bloated, like someone overinflated a balloon. Are these swollen containers of ...
Grosse specializes in half-gallon milk cartons, a product that most grocery stores carry little of, preferring gallon-sized plastic jugs. Jean Rademacher, a longtime Shakopee day care provider ...
Currently, an imported half-gallon milk carton in an average Kauai grocery store last week ranged from $5.29 to $8.99. In Honolulu, typical grocery store prices for a milk carton spanned from $4. ...
Old Country Creamery, of Middlefield, issued a voluntary recall today of its Whole Chocolate Milk product bottled in pint, quart and half gallon and gallon containers due to improper pasteurization.