Minnesota’s 104 nonprofit general hospitals appear to give back more to their communities than they receive in tax breaks.
A federal lawsuit alleges Mayo Clinic committed medical negligence, medical battery and negligent nondisclosure in the case ...
Mayo Clinic researchers say because ovarian cancer has limited symptoms, it can go undetected until it has spread. At a later ...
Olmsted County experts say this winter's influenza season is one of the most severe since 2009's H1N1 pandemic.
A preliminary estimate by education policy analyst James Murphy finds that the U stands to lose around $62 million annually ...
Rochester-based health system will provide guidance on the development of “affordable” hospital sites in two of India’s ...
The former U.S. Bancorp executive chair and CEO was elected to a four-year term on Mayo Clinic's board of trustees.
Mayo Clinic accused of misleading a heart transplant patient – and not reporting a potential problem with a medical device used nationwide.