BSFL are known for their ability to digest organic waste, converting it into valuable resources such as proteins and lipids.
As the main oil-producing region of Shengli Oilfield, the second-largest in China, Dongying has a well-established ...
Rigzone takes a look at the Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association's (TIPRO) latest State of Energy report.
The Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission is set to discuss the proposed Extraction Oil & Gas Draco Pad project ...
EPA to consider regulatory flexibility for treated wastewater from oil and gas extraction, including beneficial reuse and ...
(North Dakota Monitor) – Nearly half of North Dakota oil wells now qualify for a tax exemption as low-producing wells, ...
Agarwood oil, extracted from the Aquilaria tree, is one of the most precious essential oils prized for its unique aroma and ...
Here’s what what sets extra-virgin olive oil apart from other olive oils on the shelf like virgin, light, and pure — plus how ...
Heart Care: Your heart health can benefit from mustard oil in your diet. It has high levels of MUFA and Omega 3 and lower ...