Looks are certainly important for the peacock, with his absurdly bright, burdensome train that he shows off to attract a female. Peahens often choose males for the quality of their trains -- the ...
"From now until early August, the peacocks display their stunning and iridescent tail feathers, strut back and forth shaking ...
For decades, peacocks roamed freely in the village on the shores of Okanagan Lake, 20 kilometres north of Penticton, ...
Jacob Bullock, who runs Feathers & Fur Small Animal Rescue and Bird Sanctuary in Cessnock, was called in to care for some abandoned peacock eggs after the mother peahen was poisoned because many ...
If some Jericho residents had their way, they might change the Jericho High School mascot from a Jayhawk to a peacock. Peafowl, the collective name for peacocks (males) and peahens (females), are ...
A peacock’s tail feathers can reach up to six ... 6. There are all-white peafowl. Thanks to selective breeding, it’s common for captive peafowl to have only white feathers.
In a beautiful display of self-determination, the peahen retains control over her choices and the peacock must earn her admiration with a lot of hard work. Until a peahen is truly impressed and gives ...
But they're both called peafowl. A mature peacock can have up to 200 feathers in its tail with each feather growing up to 5 feet long at maturity. Females are less iridescent and have more muted ...