The notorious death camp, in which hundreds of thousands perished, is only now getting a proper museum space to ensure the ...
A total of more than 14,000 artifacts were unearthed, of which 6,300 were considered to be historically significant, ...
Ukrainians in Poland contributed approximately 15.21 billion zlotys (about $4 billion) to the state budget in 2024, far ...
In 1990-95 he served as democratic Poland’s first popularly elected president. -- The Associated Press If you purchase a ...
Poland has recently been building up its military potential, buying huge arsenals of weapons from the US and South Korea: hundreds of ...
Evidence of these conflicts is bountiful in Gdańsk, Poland, home to Westerplatte, a small peninsula that juts out into the Baltic Sea. Today, the site is home to the Museum of the Second World ...