Regarded as the war’s finest general, Robert E. Lee was a master of the organization of war. The country’s most experienced general in 1861, he declined President Lincoln’s offer to head the ...
Grant than Confederate General Robert E ... Lee and Ann Hill Carter on January 19, 1807. Lee's father, also known as "Light-Horse Harry," had been a cavalry leader during the Revolutionary War.
Many Americans are proud of their ancestry, most being able to trace family trees back to a certain country, a certain event, ...
A Brown historian’s look at the fight that followed Robert E. Lee’s surrender, a novel about a lost snowbird and a pair of ...
The fighting of the American Civil War ultimately reached nearly every state in the Northern and Southern territories, with ...
Grant and General Robert E. Lee, respectively. The two are cosplaying as the aforementioned generals during the Civil War ...
Abraham Lincoln wanted peace, for the war to end. He expressed his desire to "bind up the nation's wounds" in his second ...
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Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered his army two years later in Virginia. In the 160 years since, researchers have repeatedly sought to quantify the Civil War’s staggering death toll.
I saw a pundit on Twitter, otherwise a pretty conservative guy, say recently: “Robert E. Lee literally had the privilege of choosing which army he wanted to lead in the Civil War. He chose wrong.” ...