More than two decades ago, the then soon to be independent country of Timor-Leste planned to embark on a future marked by sustainability.
The Montara development comprises the Montara, Skua, Swift and Swallow fields in the Timor Sea to the north of Western Australia.
The WSWS explained that the major powers were seeking control of the oil reserves in the Timor Sea and greater access to the geo-strategically crucial Indonesian archipelago. It also reviewed the ...
The case began with Santos's construction of a 262-kilometre Barossa gas export pipeline in the Timor Sea in late 2023. Through the EDO, some Tiwi Islands traditional owners sought an urgent ...
In a small coastal village in Timor-Leste, between a rugged mountain range and the Banda Sea, Lino Fernandes Xavier stands by his brother's grave at the local cemetery, his head bowed. From a long ...
As the US grapples with escalation in the South China Sea, Timor-Leste makes an unprecedented move that may present a solution. "Now into its second decade as a sovereign state, Timor-Leste is ...
While there are indications of Beijing's growing reach, its role needs to be kept in perspective.