Paleobiologist Scott Lakeram analyzes 300-million-year-old coal ball fossils to reveal prehistoric plant-insect interactions ...
Ice crawlers, from the family grylloblatidae, are a “highly unusual group of insects,” a team of scientists concluded in an international study published in the Journal of Insect Biodiversity ...
The species, native to tropical rainforests of southeast Asia, bears a “striking resemblance to orchid flowers,” Cincinnati Zoo staff said.
Some creatures are harmless, yet they often spark revulsion just because of their appearance. One of these is an easy-going insect that feeds primarily on dead vegetative matter: Jerusalem crickets.
The small insect survives the freezing temperatures with unique latency strategies, including both quiescence and diapause. "We developed a method for breeding Antarctic midges in the laboratory ...
Picture an Antarctic animal and most people think of penguins, but there is a flightless midge, the only known insect native to Antarctica, that somehow survives the extreme climate. How the Antarctic ...