The cherubs and storks that make up the Singing Fountain have a new wardrobe thanks to a local knitting club.
She said yarn bombing is a non-invasive form of street art that is meant to bring attention to an area or certain issues. For this project, the organization aimed to foster a sense of community.
Everything I make is made out of yarn. Yarn bombing is when you take a piece of crochet or knit and you wrap it around something, usually outside. I think it's great, because it takes that craft ...
We've all heard of bar and food crawls, but have you ever considered a yarn crawl? Well, the Greater Philly Yarn Crawl is back this week. Here's what you need to know.
"We’re getting the grannys to make the granny squares, but turning it into something funky. Creatively, there’s just so much ...
The yarn-bombing group have once again taken to the county town’s High Street, sharing their colourful knits to mark World ...
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