PORT TOWNSEND — Author and seabird expert Peter Harrison will present a lecture on albatrosses this Sunday as a part of the ...
Violet Morris, 9, of Port Angeles climbs on “The Rocktopus,” a steel, rock and masonry sculpture on Friday at Port Angeles ...
The resurgent Port Angeles boys soccer team has already made waves this season with three straight road victories over league opponents.
PORT ANGELES — Last year’s timber revenue report shows Clallam County’s timber income was on par with its 10-year average, while Jefferson County’s was significantly lower. However, Jefferson County ...
Mason bees have much more threshold of temperature to become active and start flying around, seeking out your plants and because they are solitary creatures (not living in a hive) they are not ...
PORT TOWNSEND — There will be a performance of “One Family in Gaza” at 4 p.m. Sunday. The play will be staged at the Quimper Grange, 2333 San Juan Ave., Port Townsend. Admission is free, although ...
Rachelle McCabe will perform a selection of pieces by Mendelssohn, Schubert, Bartók and Debussy at 3 p.m. Sunday.
A Port Angeles man was booked into Clallam County Jail on Thursday for attempted murder and felony harassment after an incident that morning at the 9/11 Memorial Waterfront Park on Francis Street.
The hybrid meeting is in the county commissioners meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles. To join the meeting online visit www.zoom.us/join or call ...
PORT ANGELES — The Olympic Adventure Trail Run 12K, half-marathon and 50K races are coming up April 12 and slots are still available for competitors.
Port Angeles Business Association — Breakfast meetings with networking and educational programs are held Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 DelGuzzi Drive (off U.S. Highway 101) in east ...