4,000, 300 VMS sites, a further 1,400 safety signs can be used to manage local traffic in the event of incidents and emergencies The National Traffic Control Centre (NTCC) based in the West Midlands ...
In January 2005 a new toll system was introduced on the 12,000km of German autobahn for all trucks with a maximum weight of 12t and above. The new toll system, called LKW-MAUT, is a governmental tax ...
The new Indian River inlet bridge, also known as Charles W Cullen Bridge, replaced the old bridge across the Indian River Inlet, between Rehoboth Beach and Bethany Beach in Sussex County, in the US ...
The Port Mann Bridge / Highway 1 Project formed part of the Gateway Programme initiated by British Columbia’s ministry of transportation (MOT) to tackle the growing traffic congestion within the ...
In June 1992, the Norwegian Parliament decided to construct the world’s longest road tunnel. The 24.5km-long stretch of tunnel stretches between Aurland and Laerdal on the new main highway connecting ...
October 2006; Bridge scrapped by Italian parliamentary vote.
The Conway Bypass was part of Horry County’s RIDE (Road Improvement and Development Effort) scheme which consisted of several projects such as the widening of SC 544, and a series of interconnected ...
In 1992 it was announced by the British Government that the first toll motorway in the UK would be constructed by 2004. The M6 Toll Road, which opened in December 2003, is a privately financed project ...
Societé de Construction de l'Autoroute de traversee de l'Ouest Parisien (Socatop), VINCI, Eiffage Construction and Colas, SENDIN, Bernold-Ceresola AG, PERI S.A.S. France, RB-PIM, Simpra, Bonnard & ...
The Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) is the longest tunnel in Malaysia and the second longest stormwater tunnel in Asia. The 13.2m diameter tunnel consists of a 9.7km stormwater bypass ...
In June 2003 construction began on what is claimed to be the world’s longest span cable-stayed bridge to date. The Sutong Bridge lies between Nantong City and Suzhou of Jiangsu province, and became a ...
The Gordie Howe International Bridge, a planned binational border infrastructure project, will be one of the longest bridges in North America that will connect Canada with the US. The objective of the ...