Administering a methane reducing feed additive in the form of a bolus has been described as the ‘holy grail’ by one of Ireland’s leading experts in the area. Ireland’s current pasture ...
Achieving high conception rates and ensuring a successful breeding season both depend on serving the right cow at the right ...
For both clinical and subclinical milk fever prevention it is important to administer calcium boluses to cows expecting twins at the point of calving or else just after. Feed intake after calving ...
Ketonor+ is a 135g bolus to reduce the risk of ketosis that contains propionate as a source of glucose for at risk cows. Ketonor+ is cost-effective, does not contain antimicrobials, has no ...
There are also signs of inflammation on the rumen epithelium. By intra-ruminal boluses and wireless internet, rumen pH is readable outside the cow. The Academy of Finland and Walter Ehrström`s ...