The Duck Dynasty family is set to extend by one soon: Jase and Missy Robertson's son Cole is engaged.
As ducks migrate back to the Northwoods, they’ll be looking for places to nest.Wood duck boxes are a good way for people to ...
Duck hunting has been added to a list of prohibited activities in areas of Victoria near Euroa where bird flu has been detected. Victoria's duck hunting season opens on Wednesday and will last for ...
State wildlife officials are set to meet in Topeka in late March to vote on Kansas’ duck zones and coyote night vision ...
On March 22, 1929, the California legislature in a joint resolution names a man who spent his boyhood hunting ducks and geese in Sutter County as California’s second poet laureate.
Image via Facebook An Arkansas duck hunter nearly died after almost getting decapitated in a bizarre boating accident. The ...
An Arkansas man who suffered a horrible head injury in a horrific duck hunting accident remains gravely-ill in hospital. Ben Whorton, 21, suffered a traumatic brain injury when the boat he was on ...
He said the majority of hunters want north and south zones, but many avid hunters also like the open water zone, which is ...
The count aims to ensure a proper and consistent population estimate before the ducks begin their April migration.
State of the Birds Report highlights the urgent need for conservation as North American bird populations continue to fall.