Sony releases a surprise update for the PlayStation 3 on March 5, bringing the nearly nineteen-year-old console to system software version 4.92.
and inFAMOUS after all. While we’re long past its heyday, a lot of people are still asking when did PS3 come out, likely out of curiosity or simply to bone up on their PlayStation history.
The PS3 introduced the concept of trophies to Sony ... like the original Modern Warfare 2, inFamous, Prototype, Arkham City, Red Dead Redemption, and GTA5. But even more iconic than the trophies ...
To this day, something powerful like the Steam Deck has trouble running titles like Infamous. Here’s hoping that PS3 emulation becomes more accessible to gamers, regardless of the legality behind it.
Konami brings back the two best instalments of one of its most iconic franchises, respecting its legacy and bringing the legend closer.
The Purrfect Collection gives one of gaming’s most infamous platformer mascots his due in a thorough, respectful game ...
The Infamous series was PlayStation’s own attempt at doing a superhero series prior to making the Spider-Man games. The series has two different heroes across its three games with Cole MacGrath ...
DH, one of the founders of the PS3 emulator RPCS3, is now working on an Android port. Interest in PS3 emulation on Android has been on the rise due to aPS3e, a legally dubious RPCS3 port using ...
That won’t exactly win Tillery back over with fans. Tillery, of course, is infamous among Chargers fans as a draft bust and part of a brutal draft class for the franchise. He played with the ...