My Hero Academia is a Shonen anime created by writer Kohei Horikoshi. The show aired in April 2016 and has continued since then. The series follows the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, who grew up ...
Emotional roller-coaster episodes define My Hero Academia's best moments. Epic battles showcase character growth and deep narratives within the series. Villains' tragic backgrounds bring depth ...
With the 8th and final season of My Hero Academia releasing in 2025, there has been a lot of TV for fans of the series to enjoy. But on top of these nearly 159 episodes across the 7 seasons so far ...
There are currently seven seasons of the My Hero Academia anime series, with an eighth and final season currently in production and expected to premiere in late 2025, along with four feature films ...
Well, this is it: My Hero Academia season 8 is officially the final season. There had been early whispers before the conclusion of the most recent season, but now we have a more specific release ...
Still reeling from the revelation that Yuuga Aoyama (Kôsuke Kuwano) is All For One’s mole, the students of Class 1-A aren’t ready to abandon their friend. Understanding the position Aoyama ...
My Hero Academia's epilogue was the one thing that saved the manga from having an underwhelming ending, and its influence ...
The ‘My Hero Academia’ anime is in the final stretch of its story. After its initial premiere more than eight years ago, we know that Bones is already hard at work on the final episodes of the ...
Episode 110 of the series sees Twice unleash the full potential of his quirk and is able to cut through the Meta Liberation Army’s forces with the use of his infinite doubles. He makes it all ...
My Hero Academia has become one of the smashing success stories of Weekly Shōnen Jump. With over 100 million copies in circulation and the 8th and final season of a successful anime on the way ...
Originally written by Hideyuki Furuhashi with illustrations by Betten Court, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is an official spinoff that’s set years before the events of the main My Hero Academia ...
“My Hero Academia” spinoff series “My Hero Academia: Vigilantes” is set to premiere in Japan in April 2025, as the original anime takes its final bow. Toho Animation unveiled the ...