The nervous system is a marvel of biological engineering, composed of intricate networks that control every aspect of an ...
Researchers from the University of Seville and the University of Cadiz, coordinated by the professors of Physiology Pedro ...
For the first time, it has been confirmed that individual neurons represent the concepts we learn, regardless of the context ...
Researchers from the Department of Physics have managed to experimentally develop a new magnetic state: a magneto-ionic ...
National Institutes of Health researchers have mapped how individual neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex receive ...
Wayne State University researchers are using photoacoustic imaging to observe brain activity and, in the process, discovering ...
Scientists at Scripps Research developed a stable form of carnosic acid, which enhanced memory function and improved ...
The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) has extraordinary regenerative abilities—the salamander can regrow lost limbs and repair ...
Using the LUHMES neuronal cell model, researchers identified and characterized thousands of enhancers active during neuronal differentiation, linked them to target genes, and validated key ...
A study has demonstrated how neurons in the human brain generate memories and establish narratives. Contrary to previous beliefs, individual neurons represent the concepts we learn, regardless of the ...