Predation, herbivory, and parasitism are specific types of antagonistic interactions. In predation, one organism kills and consumes another. Predation provides energy to prolong the life and ...
The social parasitism that I address here is restricted to the ants that form mixed species nests and depend on labor provided by the host species workers. These nests typically have two or more ...
She then swallows one of the eggs that’s been laid there and lays one of her own—a behavior known as brood parasitism. Sometimes potential victims revolt. The parents that inhabit the nest may ...
Balancing traditional approaches in parasitology with modern studies in parasite ecology and evolution, the authors present basic ecological principles as a unifying framework to help students ...
Our research focuses on: large scale colonisation events, including the colonisation of pools of seawater in coastal caves by primitive copepods and the repeated colonisation of freshwater habitats ...
We are describing and documenting patterns of copepod species to determine how their diversity evolves. Copepods are one of the most abundant forms of life on Earth. They are dominant in the community ...