The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors faces a major decision on Tuesday: What size jail system should the county have ...
The purchase price of the Brickway buildings combined with other costs including an estimated $15 million in building improvements, is estimated to total $84 million, according to county staff.
The OC Board of Supervisors held its annual TRUTH Act hearing on Tuesday, March 25, a required forum to inform the public and the board on access the Sheriff’s Department has provided ...
LINN COUNTY, Iowa (KCRG) - The Linn County Committee of County Officers voted to interview four applicants for the Board of Supervisors seat in District 2. The committee voted to interview Anne ...
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors appointed Kiana Sears as the newest state senator. The appointment was necessary after Eva Burch stepped down from her senate seat, representing LD-9.
Two years after devastating winter storms exposed organizational issues within San Bernardino County government, the Board of ...
DOOR COUNTY - Residents in two Door County school districts will vote to decide who will represent them in contested school board races in the April 1 general election. The Gibraltar Area School ...
Relevant experience: Served four terms on the Door County Board of Supervisors, 2000-08. How can people contact you? 920-421-0767, [email protected]. McMurray: I have always believed that ...
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College President Pamela Alderman’s will have very limited power over decisions for the college because of a recent vote made by the Board of ...
The Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body of the IMF, consists of one governor and one alternate governor for each member country. The governor is appointed by the member country and is ...
Judge Larry Medlock gave the ousted Utica Township Fire District Board members a declaratory judgement in their favor, and the board members immediately held a meeting and voted on the proposal ...
The Webster County Board of Supervisors tabled the resignation of Assessor Angie Vinson until after a Conference Board meeting set for next Monday. The action happened Tuesday at the supervisors ...