Orasul statiune este in bezna, urmare a unor restante mari catre E.ON, care a tras heblul. Ca o masura de avarie, Primaria din Slanic Moldova a facut ieri o plata partiala in contul datoriei la ...
CHISINAU, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Moldova's government, a fierce critic of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, appealed to the country's clergy on Sunday to "tell the truth" about the war, saying that Moscow ...
Moldova has received nearly 2.5 billion dollars over the past 30 years – money which has helped Moldovan authorities and organisations implement projects aimed at supporting democratic development.
A Litchfield woman was cited for violating New Hampshire’s “Move Over Law” after a State Police cruiser was struck during a traffic stop on Interstate 93 in Londonderry on Monday. State ...
BERLIN (AP) — Germany faces its second change of leader in fewer than four years after the head of the center-right opposition, Friedrich Merz, won Sunday’s election, which saw a surge for a ...
The agency pledged $16.8 billion in aid to Eastern Europe in 2023. The bulk of it — $16.4 billion — went to Ukraine, followed by Moldova at $211.5 million and Georgia at $91.4 million. Most of the aid ...
Whiskas is on a mission to convert ‘cat haters’ into ‘cat lovers’, via a program and partnership with Essencemediacom, Chep Network and AMV BBDO. The announcement: WHISKAS®, a trusted ...
Junior Professional Officers (JPOs) are young professionals who are interested in the UN and humanitarian work, who prove able to contribute to UNHCR’s future and its work on behalf of refugees, ...
Republica Moldova a aderat la Zona Unică de Plăți în Euro (SEPA), țara fiind acceptată de Consiliul European pentru Plăți la peste un an de la depunerea cererii de aderare care a fost semnată de ...
Trump a vorbit, în timpul discursului din Congres, despre diverse programe despre care a spus că dezvăluie „risipa îngrozitoare” a guvernului federal şi a enumerat mai multe ţări, din întreaga lume, ...
Datoria publică a României continuă să crească într-un ritm alarmant, ajungând la 964,3 miliarde de lei la finalul lui 2024, cu o creștere de 180 de miliarde față de anul precedent, conform datelor ...
aUNDP–UNFPA–UNICEF–WHO–World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development, and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research, WHO, Geneva, ...