Run, Curious George, run! The animated monkey was in the original script for “Forrest Gump,” director Robert Zemeckis ...
Tom Hanks is going after movie critics in a big rant following the release of his critical and box office bomb "Here." ...
Don’t come for Tom Hanks’ movies. The Oscar winner, 68, appeared on the “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” podcast on Sunday and called movie critics “c–ksuckers,” while explaining how ...
You’ll soon be able to stream Here at home, the new Tom Hanks movie that is coming to digital platforms tomorrow. Here marks a reunion for Hanks, co-star Robin Wright, and Forrest Gump director ...
It’s a shame: This would have been a great Tom Hanks bad guy performance if the movie had just let it happen.
Tom Hanks did not mince words when talking about film critics in a recent appearance on Conan O'Brien's podcast. Tom Hanks shocked the fans and the industry when he went on a rather profane rant ...