Here’s a fact check on those lying ads about Amendment 4, to ban government interference with abortion in Florida. Amendment ...
“No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment ...
Moderator Ty Russell speaks to Christina Diamond, CEO of Ruth's List Florida, and John Stemberger, President of Liberty ...
A political committee spearheading efforts to pass a proposed constitutional amendment on abortion rights raised more than $7 ...
Florida’s Republican leaders and business groups have long sought to crack down on the constitutional amendment process, ...
DeSantis is not going to hold his friends accountable to any standards,” said Democratic state Rep. Anna Eskamani.
The political battle over abortion rights in Florida is heating up with new television ads that are hard to miss.
Floridians Protecting Freedom, the group behind Amendment 4, released the ad which mentions a doctor from Sarasota discussing ...
TelavistaUnivision and Media Predict surveyed 1,155 likely Florida voters online Sept. 12-16, including 540 Hispanic voters ...
Education: BA, Political Science, George Washington University, JD, NSU Work history past 15 years. List in reverse ...
An investigation into signature fraud has ballot petitioners pushing back. The petition's signatures were confirmed in ...
The documents were needed to verify testing and manufacturing practices at Granules, a company in Telangana, India, that supplies generic medications to the U.S., officials say. More pharmaceutical ...