The lawsuit seeks to hold U.S. firearms manufacturers accountable for gun violence in Mexico, saying the companies knowingly ...
A federal appeals court upheld a previous ruling that blocked Arizona’s proof of citizenship provision for voter registration ...
The 2-1 ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals effectively means registration procedures in Arizona won't change, at ...
The legal team representing Mexico in a lawsuit against eight firearms manufacturers in the United States is preparing to ...
A federal appeals court struck down provisions in two Arizona voting laws that sought to increase proof-of-citizenship ...
Arizona Republicans are hoping that the Trump administration will back efforts in court to uphold a 2022 law requiring proof of citizenship to vote.
The Arizona Supreme Court has greenlit KPMG’s bid to launch a law firm in the state, making it the first Big Four accounting ...
Arizona voters are a step closer to being asked to decide if inmates sentenced to death are executed by the current lethal ...
Arizona’s Supreme Court gives the firm final clearance to set up a law practice, making KPMG the first Big Four accounting ...
In a statement Thursday, the accounting firm said KPMG is "uniquely positioned to transform the delivery of legal services." ...