An Assembly committee is exploring whether the gas tax should be replaced by something that would require EV owners to ...
Colorado's roads are deteriorating, as more money moves away from maintaining the roads in favor of funding public ...
Built on the Premium Platform Combustion (PPC), the new Audi A5 is welcoming additional members to its family. Alongside ...
Southwest Power Pool COO Lanny Nickell said that his regional transmission organization’s planners predict electricity needs ...
Los Angeles faces a $1 billion deficit due to spending vastly outpacing revenues — issues that predated the fire and which ...
Penn runs the firm’s Oregon state affairs office, which advocates for the interests of those clients in Salem. Penn tells WW ...
They call it range anxiety, the fear that an electric vehicle could run out of juice, say somewhere south of Yeehaw Junction on the way to Disney World with three cranky kids aboard.Such scenarios are ...