It may say spring on the calendar, but colds, flu and COVID are still making people ill. What you should know.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus was identified in 2 symptomatic indoor domestic cats from homes of Michigan dairy workers.
Rhinoviruses cause most colds. Though symptoms of a cold and the flu are similar, the two illnesses develop at different rates, with colds often beginning slowly and the flu taking hold more quickly.
Rhinoviruses cause most colds. Though symptoms of a cold and the flu are similar, the two illnesses develop at different rates, with colds often beginning slowly and the flu taking hold more quickly.
Cold germs from someone’s nose or cough can live on surfaces for hours to days, depending on many factors. Learn which surfaces to avoid or clean.
Over 200 different viruses can cause the cold, but rhinoviruses are the most common cause, according to the Centers for Di sease Control and Prevention. The cold has no cure, but symptoms should ...
With most cold viruses, but rhinovirus in particular, the incubation period is very short. Typically, you'll first show symptoms 24 hours after being infected. However, it may take as little as 12 ...