A new study reveals that Generation 2 Starlink satellites are leaking up to 30 times more radio waves than their predecessors ...
Read how astrophysicist Ethan Siegel thinks SpaceX can fix the damage Starlink satellites are causing to astronomy, published in Forbes. Boley, A., Byers, M. Satellite mega-constellations create ...
Starlink is, as of 2020, the world’s largest-ever satellite constellation, with 6,000 satellites in low Earth orbit designed ...
Starlink satellites, launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, are causing issues for astronomers. A new study, published Wednesday in ...
Astronomers worried about Starlink satellites' radiation leakage interfering with research. New V2 satellites emit stronger ...
As the number of satellites around the Earth increases, so does the risk of radio interference, a rising concern for ...
Starlink's subscriber count is accelerating and has passed the 4 million milestone, up from the 2.3 million it claimed in its 2023 progress report.
“The way Starlink has been carried out is terrible for collisions in orbit,” Dr Sam Lawler says, but also for light pollution, “which affects both astronomy and biology, for instance in the ...