45 éve alakult az első magyar thrash metál zenekar, a soproni Moby Dick, amely mai napig töretlenül koncertezik és igyekszik minden évben eljutni a Kárpát-medence minden szegletébe. Ha egy zenekar ...
given the band’s recently expanded live line-ups and the increasing centrality of Hungarian vocalist Attila Csihar, whose presence bridges black metal with more academic extended vocal techniques. Yet ...
Featuring iconic members Atilla Csihar, Necrobutcher and Hellhammer, and with the reputation of being one of the most controversial live acts to ever disgrace this planet, MAYHEM propel their latest ...
In a world where backing tracks are a huge debate and the aesthetic of extreme music is being co-opted all over the place, where can we turn for artistic truth?! Black metal. Although the genre has ...
Adds Attila Csihar of Mayhem, “This is going to be an amazing event to do – almost 30 years after we recorded De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in the very same hall in Grieghallen. The drums on the ...
I’d like to argue that basement black metal gets a bad rap, but, really, it doesn’t. Though the “genre“ – mostly consisting of one-man bands of wildly varying musical ability recording almost ...