This was emphasized to her early in her career. “That started to affect how I made music,” she said, explaining that she was “bridled to think about women in music” in those terms.
Today we meet the long-tailed weasel, a high-energy predator that may be dancing for two very different reasons.The long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) is known as the comadreja de cola larga or more ...
Kestrels, weasels, shrews, wood mice and other small mammals had been slowly disappearing from around the River Lea until hundreds of volunteers began rebuilding their ecosystems with piles of ...
Those responsible for naming the Mustelidae family picked the right word. They are a weaselly bunch. Weasels, minks, badgers, otters, ferrets, polecats, and martens comprise the 70-plus species in the ...
This repository contains the host tools for controlling Greaseweazle: an Open Source USB device capable of reading and writing raw data on nearly any type of floppy disk.
Ermine, also known as short-tailed weasels, are fearless little predators but should not be feared, as they can be quite beneficial, like having a barn cat. They primarily are a threat to the ...
Nimble, elegant and lithe, the common weasel is this country’s, and the world's, smallest carnivore. The male of the species is usually around 11 inches long, but so streamlined that it can squeeze ...
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