The holy month of Ramadan ends this coming weekend. It’s a month when many Muslims refrain from eating and drinking from just before sunrise to sunset. Most Muslims in Ukraine are Crimean Tatars, ...
The Russian shipbuilding industry in the temporarily occupied Crimea is degrading after successful Ukrainian strikes on the ...
These must not simply be harrowing details of Russian crimes, with the UN Commission stressing that judicial and non-judicial ...
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev transferred the peninsula from Russia to Ukraine in 1954, when both were part of the USSR, to ...
This time around, the deal could entail closer defence and economic cooperation with the EU in return for regional security.
Since Russia’s occupation of Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula in 2014, Ukrainian journalists have faced intimidation and violence.
A Soviet-era Central Asian pop music anthology shines a light on the region's ethnic diversity and music that transcends ...
Crimean Tatars, deported en masse by Josef Stalin in 1944 and subjected to Russian occupation 70 years later, have no ...
Believing lightning wouldn’t strike twice, Russian forces hid ammunition in the ruins of a bombed-out plant in Luhansk—but ...
Why did russian occupiers in temporarily occupied Luhansk choose to place an ammunition depot at a plant that had previously ...
This is the thirteenth part in a series about riding night trains across Europe and the Near East to Armenia—to spend time in ...
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Donald Trump discussed the Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula. Trump asked why ...