The demand for it, from what we see, continues to increase every year,” said Lehman, who is also a certified manure broker.
Ohio State Extension educator Lee Beers provides tips for planning nutrient management on the farm in the spring.
A town of Mohawk beef farm will install the area’s first manure aeration system to protect water and air quality with the support of a $942,162 state grant awarded to the Montgomery County Soil and ...
In Fielding Questions, Don Kinzler also shares the best time and method for cleaning out perennial garden beds.
MacCubbin gives Florida gardening advice to care for Amazon lilies, amaryllis plants, fig trees, St. Augustine, crotons, ...
Meanwhile, DNR officials are blaming a large gizzard shad kill in the Cedar River near Ellis Harbor in Cedar Rapids on the ...
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is investigating a fish kill in Winneshiek County following reports of a possible ...
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is investigating a fish kill in Winneshiek County’s Dry Run Creek, southwest of ...
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is investigating a fish kill near Decorah as a result of runoff from an animal feeding operation.
Manure from an animal feeding operation in Winneshiek County is to blame for miles of dead fish discovered Tuesday.
DNR alerted Tuesday of a possible manure release and fish kill in an unnamed tributary of Dry Run Creek, southwest of Decorah ...
Suyono’s neighbors found his antics collecting the goat and quail droppings outside his home verging on the strange. Today, ...