Mr. Fico “is attacking all the pillars of our democracy,” Mr. Machaj said. That, said Lubos Blaha, deputy chairman of Mr. Fico’s governing Smer party, is just the “hysterical” chatter of ...
Europoslanec Ľuboš Blaha hovorí o úspechu a ďakuje premiérovi, jeho stranícky kolega a šéf zahraničného výboru v Národnej ...
Politické skupiny zastúpené v Európskom parlamente (EP) a nezaradení poslanci vo štvrtok v Štrasburgu oznámili, že sa dohodli ...
Splnomocnencovi sa ešte podarilo rozlúsknuť aj ďalšiu otázku. A to kde vznikol covid-19. Kotlár tvrdí, že bol umelo vytvorený v laboratóriu.
Premiér Robert Fico aj včera (v pondelok 9. septembra) pri príležitosti Pamätného dňa obetí holokaustu a rasového násilia navštívil Múzeum holokaustu v Seredi. Podpredseda strany Ľuboš Blaha si ...
Fico má ešte hovoriť s predsedom Hlasu-SD a ministrom vnútra Matúšom Šutajom Eštokom o ďalšom postupe. Zobraziť galériu (8) Ladislav Kamenický a Ľuboš Blaha (Zdroj: Topky/Vlado Anjel) Ak bude ešte v ...
V jesennej sezóne, po mesiaci na obrazovke, bude politickú diskusiu O 5 minút 12 moderovať už tretí moderátor.
Lindsay Frankel is a contributor to Buy Side from WSJ. If you have a good credit score, you're likely to qualify for a personal loan with most lenders. If you have an excellent score, you're ...
Sept 27 (Reuters) - Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico said on Friday he will discuss plans to build a new nuclear power unit during a visit to South Korea as the government sounds out ...
Slovakia's PM Fico to Discuss Nuclear Power Plans in S Korea Visit (Reuters) - Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico said on Friday he will discuss plans to build a new nuclear power unit during a ...
Your credit score is the key to qualifying for credit cards, mortgages, personal loans and a host of other financial products. In the late 1980s, data analytics company Fair Isaac Corporation (now ...
Visit to learn more. If you've been carrying credit card debt, you could see a drop in your credit score soon. Fair Isaac Corp., the creator of the FICO score, announced today ...