Researchers have highlighted a new type of mind-altering parasite that takes over spiders and changes how they act.
A new, comprehensive map of all the genes essential for blood infections in Plasmodium knowlesi (P. knowlesi), a parasite ...
The condition occurred after the patient consumed undercooked pork, allowing the taenia solium parasite to form larval cysts ...
A type of infectious parasite has been spotted inside invasive snail species brought to Georgia, according to the Department ...
Researchers at the, Riverside, backed by a substantial NIH grant, are pioneering a study on the unique immune responses to ...
A recent X-ray scan showcasing calcified parasites embedded throughout a patient's body has gone viral, highlighting the ...
The ER patient had no idea they'd been infested with taenia solium until they went to the hospital with a broken bone ...
Hawaiʻi is considered the epicenter of rat lungworm disease, which is spread when people accidentally consume snails and ...
The state agency warns that the snails were found to have a "low-level presence" of rat lungworm. They note that likelihood ...
The WA Health Department has confirmed a startling link between rising rates of a parasitic stomach bug and overseas travel, ...