How an ice cream innovator in Somerville influenced Lisp pioneers at the MIT AI Lab­—and made a lasting ... blasted punk rock and created its own logo of an ice cream cone shaped like a skull.
“And the thing is, it worked!” says Henry, who has a master’s in mechanical engineering from MIT and a PhD from the University of the West Indies (where she is a lecturer). Microbes in the ...
Inspired by the humble bee, robotics researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed insect-sized aerial bots with a reimagined wing system that can fly for up to 1,000 ...
Dr. Richard Binzel is a leading astronomer and professor at MIT. Binzel and his team have been following asteroid 2024 YR4 for months. It was first identified by NASA late last year and has been ...
In their RoboBusiness Direct session moderated by MassRobotics Executive Director Tom Ryden, Motional CTO Laura Major and MIT Professor Julie Shah will examine the future of human-robot interaction.