THE UNION LEADER recently ran an op-ed by Rep. James Spillane, “Menthol and flavored vape bans aren’t just wrong, they are ...
Nicotine pouches are becoming popular, but flavored ones pose hidden risks. Be cautious of certain flavors and work on ...
The Clay County Board of Commissioners heard more public opinions on the proposed countywide tobacco ordinance in a public hearing on Tuesday in Moorhead. Last December, Clay County passed an ...
Now the tobacco industry is trying to reverse this enormous victory. The industry is backing a battle against all Denver ...
A paper in Nicotine & Tobacco Research indicates that different nicotine pouches, which have become very popular in recent ...
A new paper in Nicotine & Tobacco Research indicates that different nicotine pouches, which have become very popular in recent years, particularly among young people, may influence user preferences ...
Some doctors and public health experts worry Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's tax plan might nudge ex-smokers and those trying to quit back to cigarettes.
Youths are most likely to smoke menthol cigarettes, but local grocer Tony Ahmed is pushing back against the trend.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to tax e-cigarettes would also ban any vape products not approved by the FDA, treating ...
Among people who formerly smoked, menthol vs nonmenthol smoking was associated with a higher all-cause mortality risk.
POG, li hing, guava, lilikoi passion, mango lychee, Hawaiian mint, Hi-Drip honeydew, luau punch and passion orange. No, these ...
Bichotte Hermelyn sees her father's death as a targeted strike on a Black man in a community targeted for years by the makers ...