"Researchers say the longer the train feathers, the faster the males would ... Once a peafowl pair has bred, the peahen usually lays about three to eight brown eggs. The eggs take around 28 ...
IT is often considered that the white plumage of gulls, terns, gannets, etc., in temperate climates is in contradiction to the principle of protective and adaptive coloration, and survives only ...
Photographie : Nathalie Santa Maria La Huppe fasciée (Upupa epops) est un oiseau migrateur de taille moyenne (longueur de 32 cm) impossible à confondre avec son plumage orange-roux, blanc et noir, son ...
In the United States, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage reached the number one spot at the box office in its twelfth week of release, grossing $727,200 that week. This international success not ...
Birds and feathers are closely tied together – feathers enable flight, provide insulation, and make courtship displays possible. Yet the origin of these remarkable structures predates birds. Feathered ...
For years, he and Lisa Kiziuk, his wife and colleague at the WCT, toured the country with their ”Food and Feathers” program that explains how sustainable farming can complement bird conservation. She ...
Illuminated by blue and UV light, the birds’ white and bright yellow plumage broadcasts colors that may be used in territorial disputes or for finding mates, according to the study.
IT is very gratifying to find how earnestly the best papers are now taking up the cause of the various beautiful birds hitherto so cruelly and callously, slaughtered for the sake of their plumage.