"Another category of AI includes tools that gardeners can use to identify plants and plant diseases, and other specific ...
A bizarre 400-million-year-old fossil may not be a plant, animal, or even a fungus. Known asPrototaxites, this extinct ...
A diet rich in a variety of whole plant foods provides you with essential carbohydrates and compounds for a healthy gut ...
In one tiny town, more than a dozen people were diagnosed with the rare neurodegenerative disease ALS. Why? I n March 2009, ...
A recently discovered disease on crops, Neopestalotiopsis, has caused a significant crop loss in Ohio, resulting in a likely strawberry shortage at U-Pick farms around the state and higher prices ...
Dogs have many jobs but one you may not expect is identifying grapevines coated in a destructive and highly contagious fungus ...
Humans began changing plants as soon as they domesticated and cultivated them instead of just gathering them. Humans began ...
Stay Active: Regular exercise is key for visceral fat loss. Mitri is a big fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), as ...
Parasitic weeds are ruthless freeloaders, stealing nutrients from crops and devastating harvests. But what if farmers could ...
Gene banks are like a survivalist cache: our nation’s safeguard against all future challenges to growing the food we need.
Confusion surrounds foods like raw milk, uncured deli meats, and seed oils. Consumer Reports provides the lowdown on whether or not they're good for you.
Eating a healthy plant-based diet that includes vegetables, tea, and coffee may help people with cardiometabolic ...