EIA update assesses the impacts of retaining the present location of a tuna pen holding zone, 4.5km from the Rdum il-Madonna cliffs ...
Finally, the last destination in Scotland to be named among the "best places to live" in 2025 is the island of Tiree in the ...
The birds spend most of their lives in the open ocean. Observing birds at sea is nearly impossible, so much about puffins remains a mystery. Ecologists like Erpur Snær Hansen, who leads a team at the ...
Plans for Malta’s first deep-water offshore fish farm include using detritus-eating crustaceans in lower cages to minimise ...
This comes after a settlement agreement was reached by conservation NGOs and commercial sardine and anchovy fishers using ...
By agreement between all parties pelagic fishing permits must be amended within 14 days to protect six key penguin breeding ...
Island closures are painted as an economic cost to the fishing industry, but losing African Penguins will cost us ...
Island closures are painted as an economic cost to the fishing industry, but losing African Penguins will cost us dearly ...
The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is reminding Floridians that breeding season has started for shorebirds, seabirds and wading birds in several parts of the state.
The area also acts as a nursery for fish like lemon sole, plaice and European sprat. The UK's largest mainland breeding ...
The jet fuel that has leaked from the tanker in the North Sea will cause a mass fish die-off, experts have warned, as the ...