Over 500 monks from 12 countries have gathered in Lumbini, Nepal, for the 4th International Tripitaka Chanting Ceremony (March 5-8). Held at Maya Devi Temple, the event promotes peace and spiritual ...
He was the first to establish a democratic code of conduct as enshrined in the Vinaya pitaka. However, the Western world has continued to ignore many of his ‘firsts’ at the same time using them ...
I still agreed, but at 7 pm I was looking out of the cabin to see if one of the colleagues I made recently, a friend, had left or not for our day-end Sutta and the director suddenly got frustrated and ...
I still agreed, but at 7 pm I was looking out of the cabin to see if one the colleague I made recently a friend has left or not for our day end Sutta and the director suddenly got frustrated and ...
Upali Sutta – Majjhima Nikaya) It marks the Birth, Enlightenment and Great Passing Away of the great son who were born in Maha Bharath (Great India) on full moon day of the month of May, today. Today ...
In part one of this three-part series, it was pointed out how Buddhism, very sharply, focuses on the human being living in this world and on his own responsibility for his life. Unlike the authors of ...