Unlike the previous film, Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers did not kill off any members of the ...
In Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo ( Elijah Wood) and Sam leave the Shire by themselves, and are joined by ...
Pippin makes his fair share of mistakes in Lord of the Rings, but one in Return of the King actually helps Frodo enter Mordor ...
A strong and loyal character, Aragorn was one of the most courageous in The Lord of the Rings, and some of his best quotes prove it.
Some Lord of the Rings characters had key moments but vanished quickly, like The Mouth of Sauron, Háma, Madril, Grimbold, and Irolas.
Sean Bean ranks Boromir’s death over Ned Stark’s brutal beheading, calling it his favorite on-screen farewell. And honestly, we get it.
The story behind Elrond’s father is a fascinating tale of love and fate — and its impact on Lord of the Rings is legendary.
Amidst all its glory, Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy does undermine one fan-favorite, especially in the threequel.
A new behind-the-scenes detail from a Star Wars project has given fans their own version of Viggo Mortensen breaking his toes ...
Sauron is the greatest evil in the Lord of the Rings franchise, and that is partly due to the fortress he constructed at Dol ...
Cate Blanchett reveals that she almost made a cameo in The Hobbit as someone other than Galadriel after director Peter ...
25.Michael Cera and Rihanna were really hitting each other in this scene from This Is The End. After Cera told Rihanna he was ...