“The Wild Robot” centers around Roz (played by Lupita Nyong’o), a Universal Dynamics robot who is stranded on an unknown island. Roz is accidentally activated by the wildlife around her and she ...
Already confirmed for a sequel, DreamWorks Animation and Universal's hit movie features the voices of Lupita Nyong'o, Kit Connor, Pedro Pascal and other stars — here's how to watch it without cable.
Another week on the books means another weekend left wondering what to watch. Thankfully you're not hurting for choices with ...
Hoarding Simulator 2.0 (GAME NACIONAL, 25th Jan, $9.99) - One of the best high-tech simulations ever created is here! Your ...
Peter Brown, creator of 'The Wild Robot,' announced a new series with Aaron Reynolds — Jasper Rabbit's Creepy Tales! The duo ...
Before I get into The Wild Robot specifically, I want to discuss my thoughts on the history of Dreamworks Animtion for a bit.
It took about nine years to find the right way to bring the children’s book, “The Wild Robot,” to the big screen. Now that it ...
The Wild Robot just picked up three ... movie is based on Peter Brown's 2016 book of the same name and tells the story of Roz, a shipwrecked robot who slowly acclimates to her island surroundings ...
Despite the book’s popularity in the US (Brown has already written two follow-ups), it is not hard to see why The Wild Robot may have lingered so long on the DreamWorks slate. Not only is it ...