What should his name be? This baby orangutan was expected next month, but he came a little earlier than expected at the ...
The Orangutan Project A baby orangutan has been rescued and is “on the road to recovery” after he was kept in a “tiny cage" amid “unthinkable” conditions for six months. In an Instagram ...
Orangutan Jungle School helps orphaned orangutans master survival skills through jungle classes and pre-release islands. Valentino, the class clown, finds clever shortcuts, while Darril and Liti’s ...
Ramadewa looked at the numerous troops of monkeys. They were at ease and happy and showed their liveliness. All their movements, their noisy voices, ...
On Tuesday, the Indianapolis Zoo introduced its newest resident, a male baby orangutan, to zoo visitors. It was the first time that orangutan mom Sirih has brought her baby into the public viewing ...
The orangutan sighting "was definitely because their habitat has been disturbed and is getting smaller," he said. "Our endangered wildlife could go extinct," he warned. "It's a natural wealth from ...
As portrayed by Barbie Wu, this great ape has a gift for communicating with humans who are learning to navigate their own ...
Nestled in the crook of Sirih’s arm was an infant orangutan — a boy, a nameless clump of auburn hair born less than a week before on Feb. 20. He’s the first baby orangutan born at the Indianapolis Zoo ...
The exhibition, featuring climbable statues of an eagle, orangutan and tarantula, will be on display through Sept. 14.
The Indianapolis Zoo welcomed a male baby orangutan to its Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center. This makes it 12 official primates that live at the zoo. The baby was born at 2:30 p.m. on ...