A priest of the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, Rev. Michael P. Orsi currently serves as parochial vicar at St. Agnes Parish in Naples, Florida. He is host of “Action for Life TV,” a weekly cable ...
John Venable, who served 25 years in the Air Force, is a senior research fellow for defense policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Daniel J. Mitchell is a top expert on tax reform and supply-side tax policy and is Chairman of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. Mitchell is a strong advocate of a flat tax and international tax ...
Micky Wootten is an Investigative Journalism Fellow at CNSNews. He holds a degree in political science from Davidson College and is from Long Island, NY.
Linnea Lueken is a Research Fellow with the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy. While she was an intern with The Heartland Institute in 2018, she co-authored a policy brief, ...
Tyler O'Neil is managing editor of The Daily Signal and the author of "Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center." ...
Phillip W. Magness is Senior Research Faculty and Director of Research and Education at the American Institute for Economic Research. He is also a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.
Charles A. Kohlhaas is an experienced oil and gas industry executive and consultant with major and independent companies domestically and internationally. He is also a former professor of petroleum ...
Jared Gould serves as News Editor at Campus Reform. In the past Jared has worked with former Governor Phil Bryant at Bryant Songy Snell Global Partners, a private government relations and business ...
Pat Buchanan has been a senior adviser to three presidents, twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000. Buchanan has written ...