Have you wondered how every so often a huge amount of money apparently appears out of nowhere that completely upends the ...
No one wants to sell their home and then be forced to re-mortgage their next property at a much higher rate, typically double their current rate i.e. 7% vs 3.5% which acts to restrict the supply ...
Have you wondered how every so often a huge amount of money apparently appears out of nowhere that completely upends the consensus view.,where most only realise it's significance long after asset ...
US 0.5% rate cut signals that the Fed wants to bring rates down fast from the 5.5% peak, with likely another 0.5% cut before year end and probably targeting sub 4% by the end of 2025 to maybe to ...
The big problem with US house price trends is that the US is just so big! Whilst the US as a whole will see a rising population however that rise is not uniform across all states, so whilst this ...
When the Federal Reserve decides to slash interest rates, it sets off a domino effect in the financial world, and precious metals like gold and silver are among the first to feel the impact.
Every now and then, I peruse articles written on Seeking Alpha to glean a flavor for what the average investor feels about the current market environment. And, to that end, I will scan the ...