The Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) are useful in helping understand the management of government finances and the effectiveness of policy decisions. They are also closely linked to ...
New data tables that provide the revision history of 28 economic and social time series are now available. Statistics Canada has always provided its users with the most recent data available, but ...
ACT1_R01 The next questions are about your activities between January and December 2024, as well as the activities of other members of your household.
Pour de nombreux Canadiens, les prix élevés dans les épiceries font partie des pressions constantes qui s’exercent sur le budget de leur ménage. Par ailleurs, certaines personnes doivent marcher ...
For many Canadians, high prices for groceries are part of an ongoing strain on their household budgets. Further, some people might need to take a longer walk or transit ride to get to their closest ...
Activité sur le marché du travail et fréquentation scolaire (ACT1) Activité sur le marché du travail et fréquentation scolaire (ACT1) ACT1_R01 Les prochaines questions concernent vos activités entre ...
Regroupe des données, des outils et des rapports pour vous fournir les renseignements les plus récents sur les immigrants et les résidents non permanents. Les graphiques dynamiques fournissent une ...
À la suite des fêtes de fin d’année et au moment où nous sommes confrontés aux mois les plus froids et les plus sombres, il se peut que vous ressentiez une déprime saisonnière. Deux journées ...
After the holiday festivities have passed, as we navigate into the colder, gloomier months, you may find yourself in a bit of a winter slump. January highlights two important days: Blue Monday on ...
More beekeepers and more bees in 2024 did not translate into more honey production. In fact, honey production fell to its second-lowest level in over a decade, with the usual culprits of unfavourable ...
Insights on Canadian Society (ICS) is Statistics Canada’s flagship social publication, which brings together a wide range of data sources to provide information on various aspects of Canadian society, ...
This document has been developed with the goal of aiding researchers with the preparation of their proposals to use the Criminal Justice Relational Database (CJRD). This guide provides an overview of ...