Home - Indiana 811
Indiana 811 is an organization established to provide a communication link between excavators and operators of underground utilities.
Homeowners - Indiana 811
Be sure to check out the Five Steps to Safe Digging before you contact Indiana 811 and submit a ticket with Exactix Home! Ready to start digging? Submit a Ticket
Know what's below. Call 811 before you dig. - Indiana 811
Call Indiana 811 at 811, or 800-382-5544, if you have any questions about utility response. Do I have to check positive response through Indiana 811's system before I start digging? Yes.
Submit a Pros Ticket - Know what's below. Call 811 before you dig ...
You can always call Indiana 811 at 811 to submit a locate request or check Positive Response, but the easiest and quickest way to submit a ticket is online with Exactix. EXACTIX HOME If your digging plans are confined to a single street address, submit a ticket with Exactix Home.
Submit a Homeowners Ticket - Know what's below. Call 811 …
Remember, contacting 811 before digging is required by law! Find out the information homeowners need in order to submit an online ticket with 811NOW.
Submit a Ticket - Indiana 811
Whether you are a homeowner or a pro, submit your tickets with Exactix, Indiana 811’s new and easy process for submitting locate requests. EXACTIX HOME SINGLE-ADDRESS DIGS
5 Steps to Safe Digging - Indiana 811
If you have any questions or concerns during the process, don’t hesitate to call Indiana 811 at 811. We are open 24/7 to take your call or receive your online request. 1. Plan Your Project. Before you contact Indiana 811, you will need to know specific details about where you plan to dig, including the county, township, street address ...
Contact - Indiana 811
Please visit https://indiana811.org/submit-a-ticket/ or call 811 to request a locate ticket.
About - Indiana 811
Indiana’s Dig Law (IC 8-1-26) requires everyone who digs to contact Indiana 811 at least two full working days before starting a project. All underground utility owners and operators are required by law to be members of Indiana 811.
Pros - Indiana 811
If you're an excavator begining a project, you must call Indiana 811 before you can begin any diggining. Click her to learn about how to submit a ticket.