Duck Lake | Property Owners Association | Highland, MI
Duck Lake Resources. Water Quality; Boating Safety; City, County & Boating Resources; About the DLPOA. Officers & Board of Trustees; Meetings; Newsletters; Treasury; By-Laws; Contact Us. Go Paperless!
About the DLPOA - Duck Lake
This site is for information pertinent to the property owners of Duck Lake in Highland, MI. What is the Duck Lake Property Owners Association (DLPOA)? This is a voluntary association for residents on Duck Lake and those with Duck Lake access.
Property Owners Association | Highland, MI - Duck Lake
Oct 15, 2024 · Aqua-Weed will be on the lake again tomorrow to treat weed growth in Middle Duck and Little Duck. See the attached for application specifics. There is a no swimming restriction in the treated areas only until 8/28.
Water Quality - Duck Lake
I heard that the cause of Duck Lakes low water level is from fracking….the state, and tribe should get their act together to combat this problem!
Duck Lake Resources | Duck Lake
The Operations and Maintenance Division under the Water Resources Commissioner (WRC) maintains structures and publishes weekly lake level reports for the Oakland County lakes with a legally established level including Duck Lake.
Duck Lake Beaches are Open
Jun 30, 2023 · As you can see, there are six beaches on Duck Lake that are regularly tested. The Axford Acres Ramada Road location is the only one that had a closure for 2 days. While we have not seen a closure happen in a long time it is fairly common on many Michigan beaches where waterfowl like to hang out and especially after a lot of rain.
Contact Us - Duck Lake
Duck Lake Property Owners Association P.O. Box 368 Highland, MI 48357 248.382.8870 [email protected]. Have a question or comment? Please submit your message below and we will respond as quickly as possible:
Property Owners Association | Highland, MI - Duck Lake
Jun 26, 2024 · Hello members this is a reminder that we will have our regularly scheduled 3rd Wednesday of the month board meeting TOMORROW, Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 7:30 pm at the Axford Acres Beach and Boat Launch, 3261 Ramada Dr, Highland.
Meetings - Duck Lake
Do you have some old minutes we are missing? Have any other Duck Lake historical items? Drop us a message so we can arrange adding them to our archives.
Boating Safety - Duck Lake
Each and every one of us is accountable for keeping our lake safe by being courteous to others and following boater safety rules. Some tips for ensuring safe boating: Travel around the lake in a counterclockwise direction; Yield to non-motorized watercraft (kayaks, paddle boats, sail boats, etc.) and those with people in tow (tubers, skiers, etc.)